Saturday, January 28, 2012

Navigational Error

Good afternoon.  I hope everyone is doing well.  I am doing good.  There are certain things in life that I think could be going better, but it's all in the Lord's hands.

My weekend has been pretty good so far.  We are having our men's conference this weekend and I have been busy.  I'd figured I'd take a little bit of time to write about some things that have been on my heart. As always, feel free to comment on this post.

Here is a basic update about some things:
  • My mom has a boyfriend - This doesn't really bother me, as I have stated before, but I have my worries.  Most of which I will keep to myself (if you are a close friend of mine, you know why I am worried).  She did tell me that she is extremely happy at this point in time.  I am very glad of that.  I've been praying for my mother to receive some joy in her life.  If this is the form that God wishes to send it, then I will not argue with the Lord.
  • I sold one of my guitars - I was hesitant at first to do this, but I found a home for it with someone who I know will be good to it.
  • I am tired and hungry - That's all.
I went to Vegas on Thursday because I had an appointment there.  It was the first time I had been to this office and I looked up the driving directions on Google to give myself an idea of where I was going. As I jumped in the car, I decided that I wanted to get an idea of exactly how long it would take to get to where I needed to go.  I typed the address of the office into my GPS.  Side note:  I consider the GPS to be the friend that you have who knows everything about everything.  He is right about 67% of the time, and the rest of the time he is outrageously wrong.  Take a minute to think of that person you know who is like this. That is what GPS is to me.

When I originally typed the address into Google Maps, I didn't notice what went on.  I zoomed straight into Las Vegas to see the city view.  I know how to get to Vegas.  As I was on the highway heading out of town, I realized that I had left my phone in navigation mode.  For the fun of it, I left it on.  It was something that I don't usually do because of battery life, but I wanted to go to Fry's anyway and get a car charger.

I was about 20 miles out of town when I was told to make a u-turn.  I was shocked.  I asked myself, "Does the GPS know something that I don't?  Should I take the suggested route?  Maybe there is road construction.  But I would have known about that."  So I went on.  Taking my chances I continued driving down the road.  I figured that maybe there was a glitch and that it would get it right after it recalculated the route.  I checked the GPS every ten miles seeing if it had changed it's mind.  I got about 60 miles out of town and it was still telling me to make a u-turn.

And one point in time, the GPS wanted me to take a road that wasn't clearly marked, and I'm not even sure that it existed.  I turned it off.  Obviously it wasn't going to give me an accurate estimate of  how much time until my destination.  Here's what I found out though:  Evidently, according to Google, there is a portion of non-travel-able (I've never seen so many hyphens) road on the US-93.  Look it up.  Try and change the route.  Go ahead.  When I drove into what I am now calling the Willow Beach Triangle,  Google told me that I could not find a route to my destination.  Like I had just fallen off of the face of the earth.

How many times have you listened to your friends, thinking that they should be right, only to find out that they're not?  It has happened to me on several occasions.  Sometimes we are not smart enough to think for ourselves.  And sometimes, we know what is better for us.  I've known my share of people who will tell me what I should do.  I've learned to trust God and to listen to his voice.  Had I went the direction that my GPS told me to go, I would have been late, or lost, and maybe even stranded.

Next time, use common sense, not your GPS.

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